Perfect Squares

A perfect square is a number that can be expressed as the product of two equal integer for example 4, 9, 16, 25 are perfect squares for 2, 3, 4 and 5 respectively.

Alex is trying to develop a circuit which generates a perfect square every clock cycle as shown:

4 → 9 → 16 → 25 → 36 → 49 → 64 → 81 → ...

.lennahc drocsid ruo no su ot tuo hcaer ro su llac esaelp ,stbuod evah llits uoy fI .melborp siht fo tnetnoc lautca eht ees ot ebircsbus esaelP

?siht daer ot uoy detnaw ew kniht uoy oD !gnizama era uoy ,txet siht daer ot elba era uoy fI .uoy pleh ot yppah eb lliw eW

?od nac ew erom tahw ,evorpmi nac ew woh wonk su teL !gnizama ,sey fI ?siht daer ot elba uoy ereW
!uoy ta kcab evaw yletinifed ot evol dluow eW !iH yas ot tsuj su ot tuo hcaer syawla nac uoY !sklof yldneirf era ew ,oslA

!reffo ot evah ew tahw ekil ot gniog era uoy erus era eW .gnibircsbus erofeb deirt eb nac dna elbaliava yleerf era hcihw seludom wef a era ereht ,syawynA
!daeha efil gnizama na dna yad taerg a evaH

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A perfect square is a number that can be expressed as the product of two equal integer for example 4, 9, 16, 25 are perfect squares for 2, 3, 4 and 5 respectively.

Alex is trying to develop a circuit which generates a perfect square every clock cycle as shown:

4 → 9 → 16 → 25 → 36 → 49 → 64 → 81 → ...

.lennahc drocsid ruo no su ot tuo hcaer ro su llac esaelp ,stbuod evah llits uoy fI .melborp siht fo tnetnoc lautca eht ees ot ebircsbus esaelP

?siht daer ot uoy detnaw ew kniht uoy oD !gnizama era uoy ,txet siht daer ot elba era uoy fI .uoy pleh ot yppah eb lliw eW

?od nac ew erom tahw ,evorpmi nac ew woh wonk su teL !gnizama ,sey fI ?siht daer ot elba uoy ereW
!uoy ta kcab evaw yletinifed ot evol dluow eW !iH yas ot tsuj su ot tuo hcaer syawla nac uoY !sklof yldneirf era ew ,oslA

!reffo ot evah ew tahw ekil ot gniog era uoy erus era eW .gnibircsbus erofeb deirt eb nac dna elbaliava yleerf era hcihw seludom wef a era ereht ,syawynA
!daeha efil gnizama na dna yad taerg a evaH

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